Cookies.. Chocolate chip cookies. Fresh baked with the best of ingredients… Crunchy on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside. The early morning fragrance of Fresh baked cookies, the way mom makes it, still very much present. Is that not the very best way to say thanks, make friends, and show that you care?
FFL brings to you Gratitude cookies. Made with love, these vegetarian (we have a vegan version too) cookies are given to you to share with others. Take ’em FREE! Just promise you wont eat them all. Sharing is caring, isn’t it?
Give them to your neighbors, friends, colleagues, employees. Maybe share them with your auto mechanic, at the grocery store.. to those down on financial luck at the traffic lights and stop junction. Take them to senior housing facilities, or to a school. Just about anywhere and people would love you for it.
So who pays for it you ask? Our divine father provides, through the hands of several who “pay it forward”. If you think these are worth it, you make friends, get a smile, your heart feels warm, then please consider helping us make and distribute more.
(If we are overwhelmed with orders, we will fulfill as many as we can, we rely on volunteers and donations. You will be notified and put on top of the list for the next month. Currently serving the DFW area. You will be notified where you can pick up your cookies)